Always Only For My King

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

my husband loves me

how do i know nat loves me?  he puts away things for me.  :)  i loathe putting things away.  i don't mind cleaning and tidying, just putting them away.  here is a short list of what i mean.

i don't mind washing dishes, putting them in the drying rack, loading the dishwasher, or starting the dishwasher.  putting away the dishes, that's another story.  in the morning, nat is so sweet to put away the dishes that have acquired in the dish rack from the previous day. :)  it's usually quite a large pile of dishes that is precariously stacked.  :P

i don't doing the laundry, folding it, and putting it in the basket.  i really hate putting it back in the drawers.  i don't know why.  i just do.  i can let a basket of folded laundry sit there for weeks.  i think my record is 2 weeks.  usually, it bothers nat so much that he'll put them away.  most of the time he'll put them away b/c he knows i hate it.  

i hate taking out the garbage and recycling from out house to the cans.  drives me nuts for some reason.  nat usually likes to wait until the garbage is completely full before he takes it out.  unfortunately, most of the time when that happens, he's at work or doing some other chore.  i usually take it out, but nat does a good job at doing it sometimes.  he does a great job at taking out the recycling.  :)


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