Always Only For My King

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.

Friday, March 28, 2008

stop the presses!

warning: this post contains some information that may be "tmi" (too much info) for many of the readers. proceed at your own risk. :P

i had been feeling grumpy all day yesterday at nat, and i couldn't figure out why. then, this morning, i found that my period had returned. bring on the pms, cramping, backaches, and bloating!

it was a good run. i've been w/o a period since october 2006. i don't remember the exact date b/c i hadn't been keeping track back then. this, of course, was the reason why at our first sonogram with sean, we found that we were 3 weeks further along than we had thought. i must say that i've enjoyed being periodless, except for that one day of labor. :P i wonder now, if my cycle will be regular again, or if it's going to be a little bit out of whack. in any case, i am thankful to be menstruating again b/c it means that i'm not pregnant* **, and in the future, it will be my indication that we aren't pregnant. :)

* we would like to have more children, but right now is not the time. :) i think my body needs to rest a little more, and i need to get used to sleeping more too before we go back to a sleep deprived state.

** there were a couple of times the past few months that i thought i was pregnant b/c i felt nauseous, and the only way i could tell that i wasn't was with a pregnancy test. i like the period better in this respect b/c it's a free pregnancy test. :)


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