Always Only For My King

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.

Monday, July 14, 2008

gift for stay at home parents

after being on vacation with nat's family this week, i'll let you in on a secret.  if you have a spouse that's a stay at home parent, i have a great gift you can give them, and it's free.

take care of your child for them.  why?  well, i find that being a stay at home mom, i get burned out after some time.  the only time i really relax is when sean is down for a nap.  otherwise, i feel like i'm always having to watch sean.  i might be laying down on the couch, but i still have my "mommy guard" up.  i think that wears me out.  after doing this "job" day in and day out, the responsibility of raising a child most of the day wears on you.  a lot.  

so how do you go about this?  just do it.  just say to your spouse, "i love you, and i want time to yourself.  i'll take care of our son/daughter.  i want to spend time with them while you recuperate".  i think it works for as long as you can hold the fort, but if it's only a couple of hours, that's fine as well.   i think these words and actions work especially well for me.  the words say to me: 1) that nat really cares for me as a wife and understands how hard my job is day in and day out and 2)  that nat enjoys spending time with sean and that it's not a chore to him.  

i think on this vacation, i'm really appreciating the "enjoying your child and it's not a chore" attitude of taking care of the child.  there are nights when we're both tired, and nat is willing to take care of sean, but i have to ask him if he will.  this makes me feel guilty b/c i feel like nat would rather not take care of sean b/c he's busy or tired, so i should just do it instead.  whereas when nat just takes sean and says he wants to do it, i feel more carefree.

anyways, those are just my thoughts from this trip.     


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