charlie horse
me: man, my flu shot feels like i got a charlie horse.
nat: did i tell you that when i was in high school in germany, we used to give each other charlie horses for fun?
me: boys are dumb.
nat: yeah they are.
Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.
me: man, my flu shot feels like i got a charlie horse.
one of my friends cindy g and nat challenged me to examine my heart of why i was so anxious and fearful of facing each day with jonas. it started with unpredictability -> wanting control -> being selfish. i think deep at the roots, it's my sinful nature of being selfish. it boils down to this: i want to do what i want to do when i want to do it. i don't want anyone else to dictate my time. i want to be able to sleep when i want to sleep. i want to be able to hangout with nat when i want to and do what we want to do. the problem is, with a newborn you can't do what you want to do. your time is dictated by the baby and his needs. and it's tough.
after 5.5 weeks, i went to workout at the gym for the first time since jonas was born. i would have gone earlier, but my doctor wanted me to wait since i had a c-section. i did 20 minutes of cardio and one set of leg presses. nat cautioned me to take it easy and work myself up to what i used to do. :P so for now, i'm just going to go 3 days a week.
i've had my share of juggling two young children the past week and a half. now, i understand how mom's need to multitask! i've found myself nursing and eating dinner (or fixing dinner), nursing and holding a toddler, and holding a newborn and taking care of a toddler. i'm not supposed to be lifting anything heavier than jonas right now b/c of my c-section, but that's totally out the window with a 2 year old!