Always Only For My King

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


my best friend amy called our house at 8:30AM yesterday to tell us that she was going to the hospital b/c of her contractions. i had told her if she had the baby before we left for colorado, i'd try to be there. so, after she called, i started looking for tickets to houston using my parents frequent flyer miles (thanks mom and dad!). after looking, i found a ticket that would get me in at 10:15PM. nat and i went grocery shopping and came home to have lunch. i packed, and then got ready for a baby shower i was throwing. went to the baby shower, nat picked me up and took me to the airport. i called on my long layover in chicago to check on how amy was doing. she did great! she had isabel at 8:30PM! my friend's husband drove me to the hospital and i got to see the new family member. it was great!

i'll be home in champaign tomorrow night (for those of you in champaign that have been missing me). :)

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

butter type cookies -- my nemesis!

arg! i have real trouble making cookies that have a lot of butter in them, especially when i double the recipe. one time, i doubled the butter without doubling the flour; this mean i had melted cookies in the oven. today, i misread the recipe (granted, in the recipe the used a "/" to separate the metric vs US measurement, so i mistook it for a "1"), so i tripled the sugar amount. this led to more melted cookies! sigh.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

in awe

be in awe of this beautiful equation my husband and his research group came up with for his model. :) well, in awe or let your head swim with all the symbols and variables. :)

sorry, i can't post what the variables mean or what the equation refers to. i'd hate for my husband to get scooped on his research. :P

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


nat was really happy when i picked him up from work yesterday. he finally has a mathematical formula to model the things that he's been working on for his research. he's been working on figuring out how to write on the model for months! luckily, his research group was able to help him figure out how to write the model. yay research group! :)

supposedly, the model has ten variables, a summation, and a product multiplier thingy. i joked with nat that he should print his formula out on a card, laminate it, and give it to all his committee members and say, "this is my contribution to the field". :)