Always Only For My King

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


i'm being lazy, so read this if you want to see what we did for thanksgiving. :)

Friday, November 14, 2008


this morning when i was driving to go work out, i almost got into an accident. i was driving straight and i had a green light; a person going the opposite way was turning left at the light. they didn't stop and i almost hit them. i slammed on the break, honked my horn. the car slid and i almost ran into the median. it was pretty crazy. i was pretty impressed with my reaction b/c usually i just panic and freeze. i think this is the closest i've come being in an accident.

ironically, we were borrowing our friend's car, and they had previously let some other friends borrow their car and they got into a big accident. the car got totaled and they had to get a new car (not the one i was driving). nat and i were just talking about it this morning when we drove home. i was freaked out mostly b/c i didn't want to give mark and jenn a heart attack; they might never let their friends borrow their cars ever again! don't worry mark and jenn (if you're reading this), all is well! :) your car did a fabulous job at braking!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


last night at women's Bible study, we were talking about love as part of our marriage study. as we studied the Word with regards to love, i found that this love is not just about marriage, but about how we as Christians should love others, with agape love (self-sacrificing, unconditional love, the same love that God gives to us).

a large chunk of our study was focused on 1 corinthians 13. i think many people tend to use these verses for marriage (i.e. it being used a weddings, including my own). but last night, i was struck at the power of these verses as it relates to how Christ exemplifies His agape love for us even when we reject and despise Him. i was also struck how this love is powerful. it isn't a love that is "run over" by others so they can do what they want with us, but it is a truly powerful love. a love that is active and strong. these are my thoughts about how Christ showed His love as described in 1 corinthians 13:4-7 towards those that rejected Him (as in some of the Pharisees):

Love is patient, love is kind.
despite numerous attacks by the pharisees, Jesus was still was patient and kind towards them trying to show them that He was God. i know in time, Christ did not answer the pharisees b/c He knew they were hard of heart, but even then, i think this shows Christ's kindness and patience by not giving them the punishment they deserved at that very moment.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.
if anyone ever had the right to boast, it would have to be the Son of God, but Jesus didn't boast about who He was to anyone. He remained a humble servant doing the Father's will.

It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Jesus never sought His own will, but constantly did the will of His Father.

Jesus wasn't easily angered. i thought about this more, and i realized that Jesus could have been angry at those around Him who rejected Him or didn't believe in Him, but He showed them love. of course, there were times when Jesus was angry (as when He said that His house of prayer became den of robbers) for the Lord's glory. but i reread the verse and am reminded that love is not easily angered.

i am so humbled and blessed to be reminded that Christ will keep no record of wrongs for those that believe in Him. what freedom to be given God's unconditional and self-sacrificial love! it is like what john wrote in john 14:18, "there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love". by Christ's blood, our transgressions and sins are remembered no more. there is no more punishment of death by His blood. praise the Lord!

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
Jesus delighted in doing the Father's will. He delighted in sharing the truth of God and giving him glory! Jesus always trusted the Father, always hoped in Him, and persevered, even through the cross.

i praise the Lord that though i can never love perfectly as described in the above verses, that Christ did love perfectly. and only because of His perfect love, i can stand right before God, and that His perfect love has cast out fear of punishment in my life. what a powerful love! what an active love! thank You Lord!

Monday, November 10, 2008

sick days for moms

i've been thinking off an on about what a mom would get if she were paid in a job--salary, benefits, etc. recently, since i've been sick, i've thought about sick days. it'd be nice if i had sick days i could use anyway i wanted. today, i would have loved to just sleep all day, especially since sean was awake between 3-4:30AM. unfortunately, i had a little toddler with loads of energy to watch over. :P i tried to take a nap when he was napping, but he had an erratic nap (30 minutes sleep, followed by 45 minutes of awake/crying, followed by 30 minutes of sleep). i am thankful that he does sleep through the night (even if he gets up at 3AM on rare occasions). hopefully i will get better soon even if i can't get a day off.

Sunday, November 09, 2008


i was feeling a little bit sick at the beginning of last week--just a mild sore throat and some head congestion. i felt better in the middle of the week, and then bam, yesterday, i felt worse. my head is super congested and my nose has been runny. i slept this morning while nat and sean went to church. :P :sigh: