Always Only For My King

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.

Monday, January 28, 2008

one hour to a new you

ah, i finally got my haircut today*! i really like getting my hair cut. when i first go in, i feel so "blah"**, but when i sit down and talk with my hair dresser what to do, i get excited. :) i feel like a new me is about to emerge. then my head gets pampered with a wash, cut, and dry. she uses all sorts of fancy hair products in my hair and then spends time styling it when she blow dries. i feel like a new me when i'm done! :)

i must say, today, ryan did a fantastic job on my hair. it looked fabulous when i walked out. :) i feel like i actually look cute and chic! ;) ryan had said that this style would hold up to my daily routine of wash and a brief blow dry. i hope that's the case. ;)

* i forgot my last appointment so i had to reschedule.
** most of the time it's been months since my last cut.

Sunday, January 27, 2008


i joined facebook. crazy i know. anyways, i've been playing around with it for the past few days, and i must say i'm not a big fan of the interface. i don't know if it's b/c i'm too old for the "facebook generation" or what, but i find a lot the features confusing and/or overwhelming. it has left me in frustration numerous times. i must say, despite the poor design, the notifications keep me on the site. so, i guess the interface doesn't have to be great in order to keep people on it. but as graduate in HCI/HF, i'm itching for a better design of the site.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

sleepless night

i had a hard time getting to sleep last night. i didn't feel stressed or anxious about anything, but i just laid there in bed for over an hour not being able to fall asleep. i was finally able to fall asleep after nat came into bed. maybe i just missed nat and couldn't go to sleep? or maybe i am subconsciously stressed about something*?

* i must say taking a long time to fall asleep does stress me out b/c i realize i have less sleep time before i have to wake up and feed sean. b/c i think it's always best for me to never look at the clock when i need to sleep (especially in the middle of the night).

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

hair ball

i wish i were still pregnant so i wouldn't be shedding like crazy! :) i wouldn't really mind the shedding if it weren't for sean. now that he's playing more on the floor, i often find my hairs on his clothes, hands, and face. yick. :P

in an effort to keep the hairs on the floor to a minimum, i'm trying to sweep/swiffer the floor every week. today, the swiffer attracted lots of my hair, and some of it in the weirdest places. i guess my hair likes to fall out and migrate. i think i collected enough hair to make a nice size hairball. don't worry, i didn't actually do it. :)

i don't think i found any red hair on the swiffer. hmmm, very strange. maybe i'm going bald and nat's not. :)

Sunday, January 20, 2008

how did i survive before?

i'm really thankful that our little one goes to bed early at night.  it gives nat and i the opportunity to relax before we go to bed (usually it just means vegging out on the couch watching tv :P).  friday night, we capitalized on sean's early bedtime by spending time with friends.  i threw a surprise "guys game night birthday party" for nat.  i was able to sneak out and spend time with my good friend tanya and her boyfriend joe*.  :)

the night ended for both of us around 11PM, and we went straight to bed before our little boy woke up for his feeding.  he woke up at 2, then 4, then finally 7 for the morning.  we were exhausted on saturday, and we still haven't recovered today!  i don't know how i could have felt rested when sean was first born and waking up every 2-3 hours!   

*  tanya's so sweet, she asked if i wanted to make cookies at her house, but she ended up making them while joe and i sat around the table and watched.  :P  of course, we were all chatting together, so that was nice. ;) 

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

can you hold please?

we got our mailed held by the post office while we were on vacation for Christmas. when our mail service resumed, we only got only a handful of things. we thought it was a little bit odd but didn't pursue it any further.

we had been expecting 2 pieces of mail--a free credit report and a present for me from nat's brother. he called this morning to find out the credit report was mailed out on december 18. nat decided to head over to the post office to find out if that letter and the package had been held there. nat was greeted with a large bag of items. :P now that's what we were expecting. :)

the ironic part of this whole story is that nat's credit report came back "excellent" and one of the reasons being that he hadn't been late on paying any bills. well, in our huge bag of mail, there were at least 5 bills overdue. :) hehehe. i guess we didn't think about the bills that were missing, but in the future i guess i'll pay more attention to that. :)

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

mom's food....

ah, i got almost 2 weeks of my mom's food. yum-o as rachel ray would say! :)

while i was scarfing down all that good homecooked chinese food, i realized how uncreative i am when i cook chinese food*. i usually cook the same food in the exact same way over and over again. my mom, however, seems to have a variety of ways of cooking the same food (most of which are vegetable dishes). for example, she changed up a sauteed cucumber dish by adding some diced up pork, and i thought "wow! this is good!" i think for me, i'm scared to try new things with chinese dishes b/c i know what things are supposed to taste like, and i feel like if i make too many changes, it won't taste as good. and even though i know what things are supposed to taste like, i don't always know what to put into the dish to make it taste right. :P i hope that one day i can be as innovative and creative as my mom. :)

* i think this is ironic b/c when i started cooking, i felt chinese food was what i cooked best b/c i needed recipes for all other cuisines. nowadays, i feel i can be more creative and innovative with non-chinese foods.