stop the presses!
warning: this post contains some information that may be "tmi" (too much info) for many of the readers. proceed at your own risk. :P
i had been feeling grumpy all day yesterday at nat, and i couldn't figure out why. then, this morning, i found that my period had returned. bring on the pms, cramping, backaches, and bloating!
it was a good run. i've been w/o a period since october 2006. i don't remember the exact date b/c i hadn't been keeping track back then. this, of course, was the reason why at our first sonogram with sean, we found that we were 3 weeks further along than we had thought. i must say that i've enjoyed being periodless, except for that one day of labor. :P i wonder now, if my cycle will be regular again, or if it's going to be a little bit out of whack. in any case, i am thankful to be menstruating again b/c it means that i'm not pregnant* **, and in the future, it will be my indication that we aren't pregnant. :)
* we would like to have more children, but right now is not the time. :) i think my body needs to rest a little more, and i need to get used to sleeping more too before we go back to a sleep deprived state.
** there were a couple of times the past few months that i thought i was pregnant b/c i felt nauseous, and the only way i could tell that i wasn't was with a pregnancy test. i like the period better in this respect b/c it's a free pregnancy test. :)