long day
today was a very long day for me. the past few days, sean has been more cranky and less apt to take his nap. we don't know what's bothering him, but he's definitely not his normal self. today, he didn't take a nap. i had planned on this, but i was still going to nap while he babbled to himself. then, about 20 minutes in, he hit his head against the wall real hard. i went in to console him, and as soon as i left, he started crying his upset cry. i went back to lay down, but he just cried off an on for an hour, very upset. i finally went to get him, when he hit his head again against the wall*. fortunately, he stayed in bed the whole time, but he was cranky when he got out which meant for a long afternoon.
when sean is cranky, my patience runs very low. fortunately, God gave me an extra dose of patience so that i wasn't angry or yelling at him. i felt tired more than anything. today, sean decided to get into things that he normally doesn't get into -- kitchen cabinets, oven storage, etc. i decided to pick my battles of what i was going to say "no" to. i had to fight him to get him in his carseat, in the store cart, and face lots of whining. fortunately, nat came home and took over for me! i must say, by the end of the afternoon, i was very tired and on the verge of tears from a long afternoon. i hope that sean feels better soon, especially before his birthday and grandparents come this weekend!
* sometimes i'd love to have a video in his room to see what he's doing.