Always Only For My King

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

long day

today was a very long day for me. the past few days, sean has been more cranky and less apt to take his nap. we don't know what's bothering him, but he's definitely not his normal self. today, he didn't take a nap. i had planned on this, but i was still going to nap while he babbled to himself. then, about 20 minutes in, he hit his head against the wall real hard. i went in to console him, and as soon as i left, he started crying his upset cry. i went back to lay down, but he just cried off an on for an hour, very upset. i finally went to get him, when he hit his head again against the wall*. fortunately, he stayed in bed the whole time, but he was cranky when he got out which meant for a long afternoon.

when sean is cranky, my patience runs very low. fortunately, God gave me an extra dose of patience so that i wasn't angry or yelling at him. i felt tired more than anything. today, sean decided to get into things that he normally doesn't get into -- kitchen cabinets, oven storage, etc. i decided to pick my battles of what i was going to say "no" to. i had to fight him to get him in his carseat, in the store cart, and face lots of whining. fortunately, nat came home and took over for me! i must say, by the end of the afternoon, i was very tired and on the verge of tears from a long afternoon. i hope that sean feels better soon, especially before his birthday and grandparents come this weekend!

* sometimes i'd love to have a video in his room to see what he's doing.

Monday, July 27, 2009

settlers of catan online

well, i stayed up too late playing settlers online again (it's about an hour past my bedtime). :P i'm addicted. i think it's bad for me to play before i go to bed because i dream about trades and playing!

a friend of mine asked (in response to my new addiction): "isn't settlers about the social interaction with your friends over fine wine and cheese?" well, sometimes. and sometimes it's just about winning. :) it's nice that the board is automatically set up (in a lot of variations) and you get your cards instantaneously. :P i have noticed that i don't trade with as many people (probably given the variations i play) than i normally do.

stressful dream

last night i dreamt that i was the acoustic guitarist/singer for bon jovi. the problem was that i didn't know how to play the guitar (i had to go look up how to play one chord and i'd just strum that chord), and i didn't know the words to the songs.

Friday, July 24, 2009

it's not everyday you hear....

"you need to gain more weight". that's what the doctor said today after i had my 35 week checkup. i haven't gained weight the past 3 visits, which is the span of 6 weeks. :P she wasn't overly concerned, but she'd just like to see me gain more. i told her i gained about the same weight when i was pregnant with sean, and that i had a harder time gaining weight at the end with my controlled diet. i guess i should be eating for 2 from now on. i'd like to say bring on the deep fried food and sweets, but that's not exactly what i should be doing for my diet. maybe i should have entered the hot dog eating contest, or eating 72 lbs of steak.....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

the final turn

in the next couple of months, so major things are happening: sean's 2nd birthday, arrival of our 2nd son, and nat's prelim.

nat's approaching the final turn of his phd career. yay! he's feeling a little bit stressed with all the work he has to do between now and his prelim (finish a conference paper, work on prelim statement, work on prelim slides). after he finishes his prelim, he'll be in the homestretch! yippee! ;)

Friday, July 10, 2009


well everyone, i made it through the day alive yesterday. :P let me backup a little bit. my mom had been visiting for a week and a half, and i must say, i love when my mom visits. she plays with sean, she cooks, and she's generous enough to buy things for us (like groceries, lunch, or custard cup). it's great for me because i get a little break from being a stay at home mom. and it's great that my mom loves spending time with her grandson and serving our family. she did get tired at the end of each day (but who wouldn't chasing a toddler around?), but i think she enjoyed her time.

anyways, everytime my mom is here, i get spoiled with all the help. then, when she leaves, i get this, "i can't do this" attitude, even though it's not much different without her. but, i managed to get through the day, and all went well. :) nat kindly reminds me that i've been taking care of sean by myself about 95% of his life. :) thanks honey, for that reminder! :)

thanks mom for all your help! we loved having you here! :)

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

gestational diabetes

i went in for my 32 week checkup today. we had a sonogram to make sure the baby's due date hasn't changed. our son measured to be around 32 weeks, so everything looks great.

my doctor said that my blood sugars look good, and that i can go to taking my sugars every other day, yay!

i'm a little bit skeptical about the whole gestational diabetes thing in my case. i've heard that different doctors/hospitals/clinics have different tolerances to the blood glucose for when you fail. i think the hospital/clinic i'm at is definitely more strict. i failed 2 out of the 4 measurements for the 3 hour blood glucose, one of which was really close (180 was the cutoff, i was at 188). my friend had said that if you fail 1, you're still considered as passing. she had also told me that at our mutual friend's clinic/hospital, you just have to pass the fasting (before you drink the sugary liquid) and the last measurement at the 3 hour mark in order to "pass" the test (aka not have gestational diabetes). if i were at the same place she was, i would be classified as not having gestational diabetes.

the other reason i've been thinking that i probably don't have gestational diabetes is since i've been monitoring my diet, i've only had a high reading of 135 after meals. and these are meals that are pretty much carbo loaded (case and point, today for lunch i had as many of my mom's dumplings as i wanted which was probably twice the amount of carbs i should have eaten). now, in some places, you just have to stay under 140, but like i said, our clinic is strict, and the doctor that oversees "high risk pregnancies" (which include gestational diabetics), wants that number to be under 120.

i know that our doctors just want to make sure that we have things under control and that we don't have a big baby. but now, i'm a little bit more lax about things moreso than when i was pregnant with sean. :P i wish i wasn't so borderline. :P