Always Only For My King

Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

chick flick?

me: i got 27 dresses from the library. don't worry, i'll watch it without you.
nat: is that the one about the bridesmaid? the one with the girl from grey's anatomy?

why yes, yes it is nat. maybe i should watch it with you. :)

Monday, September 22, 2008


my best friend amy is coming into town on thursday. i know that she doesn't care what the house looks like or what i make for the meals, but i do. :)

i went a little bit overboard cleaning today, and i blame it on the nice weather and amy visiting. i scrubbed and cleaned the kitchen counters, cleaned the windows in the kitchen, and cleaned the bathroom. all i have left housework wise is doing some laundry. (nat has kindly volunteered to sweep and mop the floor).

i had my menu planned out for amy's visit but i had to scrap my fried chicken meal since amy had been eating out all last week (she lost power b/c of ike). i hope that amy has a good time while she's here. :)

Friday, September 19, 2008

no more tv

we officially have no more (free) cable anymore. for the past 2 years, we've had 2 high speed internet connections--dsl (which we pay) and cable (which the university paid). the cable was used for nat's research and the cs department just paid a lump sum up front. the cable guys that installed the service forgot to filter out the tv cable, so we got free cable until now.

i am sad that we don't have cable now (or a working antenna). we just got home from a week long trip in the bay area, and all i really want to do is veg out in front of the tv.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

the kind of home i'd like to have...

well, i'm on my 5th day here at los garcia's.  they are nat's best friends.  :)  i must say, the type of home and atmosphere is the kind of home that i'd like to have at some point.  they are so relaxed and welcoming at their home.  it's been a pretty quiet week so far, but in previous visits, they'd have people come in and out.  no need to really tell them you're coming, just come over.  the door is always opened for visitors! :)

the garcias basically have the attitude of "my house is your house".  i just rummage through the house and kitchen to find what i need, and i don't feel guilty about doing it.  it's like being at my parents (or nat's parents) house where i can just really make myself feel at home.  at first, i felt that i'd be a burden, but by now, i just feel like i'm a family member in their house.  of course, the garcias probably would say that i was one from the first day that i got here.  :P  so if you're ever visiting our house, just know that you can feel free to help yourself to anything you need at our house. :)

the last thing that i love about the garcias is that i truly feel like aunt ramona with their two boys.  they give me hugs, kisses, and just hang out with me as if i was really their aunt.  they are two very sweet boys, and though they do have their defiant moments, they are very well behaved.  they listen to me most of the time when i ask them to do something, which is nice.  :)  they are both very gentle and sweet in spirit so there isn't very much rough housing, if any, with the boys.  they both love sean very much and play well with him.  :)  

i love the garcia home. :)

Monday, September 08, 2008


i don't know what it is, but i'm a sap when it comes to certain movies and tv shows.  i don't know if part of my high school self is just forever melded with me or what.  take for example my recent tv choice--samurai girl.  yes, i did say samurai girl, as in the samurai girl on abcfamily.  i must say it didn't have the best story or acting, but i found myself having to watch what happens in the end after watching the 2 middle episodes.  why?  well, the main character was the "underdog" in a love triangle.  i'm a sucker for the girl characters who are the "underdogs" when it comes to the "popular" guys.  i think part of it is b/c i felt like i was always the "underdog" that never won--until i got the best prize with nat.  :P

the other reason why i'm a sap is that any show or movie that tugs at your heart strings make me cry.  i think i get emotionally caught up in the story.  we just watched dan in real life tonight, and i cried 3 times.  yes, 3.  i think i've cried in all the "old school" 2D animation disney movies starting with little mermaid.  

as a side note, when i get into one of these shows or movies, don't interrupt me, i get irritated.  :)  let me finish watching so i can sob. :)

Saturday, September 06, 2008

long night

last night i had long night. it took me awhile to fall asleep, and when i was ALMOST asleep, i heard a crinkling noise. i woke up nat and asked if he heard it. he said it was an animal outside. we kept hearing it, so nat turned on the light and looked around the windows to see what it was. we couldn't find anything. i heard it again, and i was determined to figure out was it was. i finally found it, and it was a spider on the edge of the plastic bag used in our trash can. i don't know how it was making all that noise, but when its legs were moving on the bag, it created a crinkling noise. nat killed it, and i was able to fall asleep.

then, at 2:30 AM, i awoke to sean crying. i don't know what was bothering him, but he was crying and whimpering off and on until probably 3:30 or so. then i went back to sleep. i had a dream where i missed greeting at church (which is what we're supposed to do on sunday), so it wasn't very restful.

nat woke up early to go to the restroom, and i woke up. then at 7:10AM, the bell went off at the elementary school at the end of the street. it went off until about 7:45. :P

i'm tired today. zzzzzz....