colds in summer
i woke up with a scratchy throat this morning. i felt icky as soon as i woke up (and it didn't help that sean was up right before 6AM). i hate being sick when the weather is so nice!
Take my voice and let me sing always, only for my King. Take my lips and let them be filled with messages from Thee. Take my silver and my gold not a mite would I withhold. Take my intellect and use every power as You choose. Here am I, all of me. Take my life, it's all for Thee.
i woke up with a scratchy throat this morning. i felt icky as soon as i woke up (and it didn't help that sean was up right before 6AM). i hate being sick when the weather is so nice!
i'm taking my gestational diabetes test tomorrow. i'm dreading the result because i think i'm going to fail the test and have gestational diabetes. bleh. i wasn't thrilled to have my diet carb-limited last time, and i'm definitely not looking forward to it again (if i have to do it). i will say, being on the diet the last 10 weeks of my pregnancy did curb the amount of weight i gained. but, i'd rather take more weight gain than feeling hungry all the time. :P either way, the Lord is in control, and the baby is doing well so far. :) i can praise God for that!
well, we've come to the end of a short and cool spring. last weekend (graduation weekend) it was 60s. now, we've jumped into 80s. where were the 70s? :sigh:
if you like being in control, don't have children. if you want God to grow and stretch you in ways that you can't possibly imagine, have children.
there was a thunderstorm last night, and the winds, rain, and thunder kept waking me up. i told nat this this morning, to which he replied, "there was a thunderstorm? i must have slept through it!". if only i could be that lucky!
ok, not really, but i did end up doing somethings that could have or did cause serious harm. :P
nat threw me a belated birthday/mother's day party last night. i have two quotes that i thought were pretty funny.
well, it finally stopped raining on friday night, and i was antsy to get my garden planted. since we didn't have small group last night, i thought that it would be the perfect time to till (with a shovel) and plant the garden. :) i was a little worried when i started tilling that it would be too damp, but it wasn't. i tilled the garden while nat did other gardening projects out in the front; sean decided to stay in the backyard and help me. he did quite well just walking across the garden and playing with the dirt.