embrace my inner self
ok, i've been thinking a lot about it, and i'm just going to embrace my past and post about computer science stuff.
i've thought a lot about blogs lately and who reads them. at dinner group one night i was shocked to know how many people actually read my blog. as a computer scientist i'm well aware that anyone that has access to the internet can access my blog and read it. when i write my blog, i actually write thinking that only certain people will read my blog; thus, writing with them in mind. so, the idea that people outside of my intended audience are reading this is kinda scary! :) (but i don't mind). :)
for me, this begs the question of people's trust in technology and social interaction with technology. i find that more people are more willing to post things to blogs, though some of the information may be more private, than handing out to IM screen names to strangers. i wonder what makes that difference? people worry about stalkers with IM, but you might also have a blog stalker. yet, we're willing to put things in our blogs and more willing to hand it over to the community. i guess that there is still a gradation of the openness of blogs, some still holding on to their anonymity, others just being very open about who they are. in either case, i wonder if it's the social context of the blog that has helped it's explosion and popularity. are blogs one of the success stories of social interaction with technology? if so, what can we learn about blogging that can enable better social interaction with technology?